Hello fellow sailors… please make sure to read all of this email! Good stuff and it’s a long email.
I need everyone on these email lists to email me back and confirm what type of sailboat you own/sail/want to sail. I am separating the email list into 4 categories… 1. Sea Scouts; 2. Hobie Cat/Island/Multihull Sailors, 3. disAbled/Accessible Sailors; and 4. Keelboat and all other sailors, or those that just want to be on the email list to get general sailing news and want to crew, etc. The deal is all of you will get most of the emails unless I have a specific message for the Sea Scouts, etc. The email list is getting quite big and I feel organizing it this way will help in the future when our club is even bigger.
I was able to purchase a nice Hobie 14 sailboat for the Sea Scouts that will be placed on Cave Lake for the Sea Cats to use in that area. I wanted to get a boat there sooner but the budget just did not allow it to happen until now. I have spent a lot of money on the Scouts this summer… money well spent in helping our youth get away from their computers and mobile devices and get some fresh air and gain valuable healthful leisure skills.
The Sea Cats will start to have 2 meetings each month on the first and last Thursdays of each month starting in October. Meeting location will be announced shortly. Actually we have some exciting news about our new meeting place that will be announced shortly.
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Official Boat used for the S.A.I.L. Accesible sailing program |
is a big savings. I and Skip are still trying to acquire funding for this first boat… the first of 4 boats. I have a trailer for these boats but just need to build a rack to carry them.
Related to accessible sailing I will be presenting about the program at the Spinal Cord Group at St. Luke’s Rehab next month. Anyone is welcome to attend if you are interested in this accessible program. I will have the exact time and place posted on the calendar shortly.
Staring on the evening of September 19th we will sail down Lake Coeur d’Alene from 3rd Street Launch next to the CdA Resort and camp overnight and then sail back on Saturday. The forecast for September looks to be good weather for sailing. I and several other sailors will be using our Keelboats for this trip as well as some of the Sea Scouts will be sailing Hobie Cats. This is the last big sailing event for the 2014 season. I hope you all will join us. For more info contact Skip Morris at 801-367-7945 or email him at skippersteve@gmail.com
I will be writing an article about our 2014 sailing club successes. It was a good year and I think you all will find the 2014 results quite interesting and hopefully motivate more sailors to participate.
For 2015 some events will remain and some will be added. For June of 2015 is the Deseret Regatta, then new for July is the Cat Attack (Hobie and Multihull event) at the Cascade Reservoir near McCall Idaho, then in August is our Jolly Rogers regatta and camp-out, in September will be our distance sailing event/cruise. In addition we will have some smaller events throughout the years. So some great events for 2015.
I (Miles Moore) will be primarily focusing on Hobie sailing for 2015 as I finally came to realize when it comes to sailing in our area Hobie Cat sailors make up the largest segment of sailors within the Inland NW followed by Keelboats. So to a lesser degree I will also still be involved with Keelboat sailing with my classes and some cruises.
I am going to have a big sail on new and used sailboat parts. If you want new parts items for your sailboat then give me a call and depending on the price of the item you could get anywhere from 10% up to 15% reduction on the price.
I have a sale on new and used sailboats. Call for details!
I have a ton of used sails and other sailboat parts and accessories I would like to clear out this month. The Sale starts this Tuesday the 9th and goes through September 30th. Since the store is on off season hours… meaning open by appointment please call before you come to the store.
The SAIL Marine store is now on off season hours meaning its open by appointment. I am at the store a lot during the winter so if you pass by the store its likely I will be there. During the winter I do more of my vocational counseling via my private practiced called MyJobWiz.com and also do a lot related to Health and Wellness… my wife is a nutritionist doing a lot of consulting to help people improve their health of course, along with reducing physical pain, etc. so I am her assistant and handle product sales.
A lot of people say the sailing season ends at the end of summer… REALLY? I have sailed for many years, every month of the year. As a matter of fact some of the best sails I have had have been during the winter. So I want to challenge you all to sail every month all the way through the winter into next summer… who is up to this challenge? Email me if you are and let’s help each other stay motivated, and get together and sail. A few years back I ran a regatta called the “Frozen Butts Regatta.” It was just meant as a fun crazy get together and was well attended for 2 years but then it just fizzed out. It might be fun to reintroduce this event as a middle of winter social and sail to again keep us motivated.
The last small boat sailing lesson will take place October 11th and start again in May of 2015. The Keelboat Classes will continue into November and then start up again in February 2015. I do sell learn-to-sail gift certificates during the holidays for these classes.
Also new for 2015 I will be offering some coastal sailing classes on the coast of Washington state. I use to teach sailing on the coast before moving to Idaho and also ran some classes on the coast via the University of Idaho on the coast. So I am excited to be offering these classes again. If you want to truly learn to ocean sail then these classes are for you. In the past I tried to refer people to classes on the coast but they are only offered on the Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de Fuca, or on the Columbia River near and around Portland… none of which is truly on the Ocean.
By the way do not forget to purchase your Inland NW Sailing club burgee/flag for $25. Its a great way to show your support for Inland NW sailing. We make nothing off these flags as $25 was our cost to get them made. Contact Skip Morris (801-367-7945 or email him at skippersteve@gmail.com ) to have one mailed or stop by the SAIL Marine store to pick one up.
Man was that a lot of information to post… I hope I did not lose anyone. Please if you would like to comment or help out send me an email or give me a call.
Hope to see you all at the September sailing cruise.
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