
Sunday, October 30, 2016

The passing of Scott Bailey

By Miles Moore, 3/14/2016
As some of you know the amazing Scott Bailey passed away yesterday (3/13/2016). I was heartbroken to hear the news yet a bit relieved that the pain he was enduring medically is now over.

Scott acquired a spinal cord injury as a result of a car accident back in 1990 when he fell asleep at the wheel. He later had his legs removed due to abscesses in his bones.

In 2004 I met Scott at a ski fest event on Clear Lake in Spokane County. He was out there skiing with the best of them and my wife still remembers watching Scott get out of the boat at the dock and walk via his hands. He was so active and full of life, but as time progressed, medical challenge would tax his ability to stay active.

Scott worked with me for a time at my sailboat store and we sailed regularly together. We also regularly biked together for a time. I have so many fond memories of our time together, which I will cherish forever. The one statement that I loved of Scott's is “I am still trying to find my disability.” He never really felt he was limited by his disability but I know the medical complications were an annoyance to him in limiting his time to recreate.

Now Scott does not have to endure the pain anymore, he is free, and at peace. We love you Scott!

In Scott's memory you can DONATE to help to improving access to the outdoors within the Inland NW. On how to donate see below!
1. Send Check made out to Coeur d'Alene Sailing Association. Mail to Miles Moore, PO Box 1143, Hayden, ID. 83835.

2. To use a credit card call Miles Moore at 208-704-4454.

If you have any issues getting a hold of me (Miles Moore) send an email via or test him at 208-704-4454

Family and friends will be having memorial service to be announced shortly.

For your enjoyment here are two videos that Scott is in...

1. Scott and I (Miles Moore) sailing and kayaking on the Spokane River...

2. Scott featured on the Paralyzed Vets of America sports video (he is at the 19:40 mark on the video)...

Please share thoughts/comments about Scott here...

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