
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hobie 16 Trapseat


Hello fellow sailors and accessible sailing supporters,

Access To Outdoors is still looking for a nice used Hobie 16 that someone might want to donate to our accessible sailing program. The goal is to get at least one Hobie 16 that we can install adaptive wing-seats on, called Trapseats (see pic).

Please if you know of any charitable persons that own or would like to purchase a Hobie 16 for our program we would greatly appreciate it.

We have 2 major accessible events this summer (June 11 and July 30) that we need a Hobie 16 for.

Anyone can contact Miles Moore at or call 208-704-4454 to donate or give us leads to a suitable Hobie 16. Your donation is tax deductible.

Fair winds,

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