Friday, May 27, 2011


The Coeur d'Alene River & Lake, Fernan Lake, Pend Oreille Lake & River, and Spokane & St. Joe Rivers are expected to reach a foot above flood stage today (Fri. 5/27) and most likely will stay at that level into the middle of next week. At this level all bodies of water will effectively be no-wake zones. All small lakes, creeks, and rivers in Kootenai, Bonner, & Spokane Counties are all suspect to flooding and caution is advised.

Hayden Lake spillway is handling the increased water but to insure it stays that way several trenches were dug to help the water be absorbed into the aquifer. Also the dam at the spillway is being reinforced to insure there is no issues. A no-wake zone is affective in Honeysuckle Bay and the Honeysuckle Launch is closed.

Flooding is expected to continue on Lake Pend Oreille and River until some time in June. The Albeni Falls Dam gates have been fully opened to handle the spring run off. All persons below the dam in the flood areas must use caution accessing these areas.

Due to above normal snow pack flooding will likely continue through mid June.

If you are going boating remember to watch for the increased debris and above normal current speeds, etc. Remember to wear your PFD and follow all boating rules.

Before boating contacting your local sheriffs department and check your local river flow info at our Boating Guide section (click here) and any other available sources.

If you have any info related to flooding and closed boat launches, etc. in your area that is not posted here please let me know at or make a comment at the bottom of this article.

We take no responsibility for the accuracy of the info contained in this article, or your reaction to it, or your lack of safe boating habits that may result in injury or death...

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