

2023-2024 CALENDAR


Also we try to post our events such as club regattas, cruises, etc. in advance but sometime events develop quickly with little notice. Visit club site.



17-18, Spokane Great Outdoors Expo at the Spokane Convention Center. Receive show product specials. Many exhibits and activities to choose from. Expo Specials. Click here to learn more.


Big Boat Classes might happened depending on weather... Learn more.


Big Boat Classes start... Learn more.

10-11, Hunt Fest (& Outdoors show) at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds, N Idaho. Many exhibits and activities to choose from. FunToSAIL and Historical lake CdA Charts will be in attendance.


Small Boat Classes start and Big Boat Classes continue... Learn more.

JULY-OCTOBER... Specific event dates coming soon

Small and Big Boat Classes... Learn more.

4th of July PARADE... Coeur d'Alene Idaho.

July, 20, Cardboard Boat Race at Independence Point Coeur d'Alene Idaho... Learn more.

July, 26-27, HAYDEN DAYS PARADE... Hayden, Idaho.

July, 27, Potholes Splash... Hobie Cat and small boat distance maze regatta and beach party. Comment below if you are attending. Click here to learn more.


24, Black Friday
25, Small Business Saturday
27, Cyber Monday

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


14, Community Market @ Black Sheep/Silver Lake Mall... 10am-3:pm. 200 W Hanley Ave., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. 

Merry Christmas!

24, Black Friday
25, Small Business Saturday
27, Cyber Monday

9, Community Market @ Black Sheep/Silver Lake Mall... 10am-3:pm. 200 W Hanley Ave., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.


Happy New Year!


  1. The following are comments moved from our old club page to here...

    4-10-2020: Hi Miles I am finally getting around to catching up with my messages. I have been working on Skip's boat and think we may have it up and running this weekend. I would be happy to help georgia with her 15' boat. Have her give me a call. I sure hope the wind will hold up till the weather gets warmer. Are Fridays good for you to go sailing let me know.

    4-1-2020: Hi everyone... Miles Moore here... Just had our group social at my house on Feb. 28th. Watched SailGP racing and at snacks/socialized. Next activity is our May Spring Social at a members home. We may have a group activity in March and April depending on interest. If you all want to get together this March and April post a comment here. Also first weekend of June is out group regatta near the Tri-Cities in eastern WA. See our calendar above to learn more. We are camping at the state park at the regatta location. Please sign up for a campsite asap.

    4-1-2020: We have a member who has a WWP 19. Hope you come out to our activities this year. Visit the club calendar via tab above on this site. If we are doing something via short notice it will be posted here.

    3-1-2020: Would love to have you. Remember FunToSAIL can supply you with your parts needs. No group activities planned yet for March and April, but May we will have a spring social. First weekend of June is our annual regatta. For event dates, etc. visit our calendar via the Club Tab above.

    2-29-2020: Hi. I have a 15' West Wight Potter that I'd love to get in the water! I cannot set the mast alone nor launch the boat by myself anymore but have been sailing for years. I'm happy to take someone along who can help me with the heavy lifting!

    8-18-2019: Hi Miles, thanks so much for your phone call last week. My hobie 16 is close to being ready for the water. I am interested in getting together with other sailors in the cda area. Just a few more items to finish up... Don Carter.

    4-12-2019: Hello fellow sailors with in the Inland NW (N. ID, E.WA., NW MT). Please post your questions, requests, etc. right here. Lets make this place active with sailors comments and work to get together and do some fun sailing and races. I am Miles Moore with FunToSAIL, I own 2 Hobie 16's, 3 Wave's, 1 Bravo, 1 Hobie Tandem Island, 1 Super Sea Snark, a Hunter 212 soon to be replaced by a Corsair 600 Pulse. I run a sailing school is why I have so many boats. I also use with Hobie 16 with Trapseats to run a disAbled/Accessible sailing program. Join me for some sailing, etc.

  2. Hi follow sailors... Miles Moore here... January 2nd is our Polar Bear Sail on Hayden Lake at the Honeysuckle Boat Launch at noon. We may not sail long maybe because its snowing, very icy, etc. Launch will likely be icy. Come dress with a Life Jacket and very cold weather gear. Can come and watch if and make fun of us if you would like. Make a comment here if you plan to attend.

    1. Had a nice sail with my friend on Lake CdA instead of Hayden. Just one person contacted me about the days event and we decided to sail on Lake CdA versus Hayden Lake. Was a pretty warm day for this time of year. Next activity may be on Feb 13th and location TBD. Make a comment here if you want to join us. Here is a link to the story about the Jan 2nd sail

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  4. Just a heads up to anyone looking for some fun with the RC model power boat club, let me know. We have a pretty decent group of guys. Some electrics, some bigger gas boats. We run up in Blanchard. If you want to go FAST! is my email. Thanks, Ken

  5. Hi everyone. Miles Moore commodore of Inland NW Sailors. Next club activity may be May 15th (see calendar details). If you are going to attend please make a comment in this forum. I need a head count of who is coming. Also if you live in Eastern WA or NW MT, please let us know if you are doing any sailing that you would allow others to join. Its a new year... lets get out and sail, enjoy the natural world.

  6. From Miles Moore commodore of Inland NW Sailors. Also in May at the Silver Lake Mall (Coeur d'Alene Idaho) will be a Safe Boating Event from May 21-28. Safe Boating classes will be offered, along with some classes about local boating locations, where to fish, sail, paddle, etc. Plus prizes, etc. will be given out to those who have a Safe Boat Card or is taking a class to get the card. More details will be forth coming and noted in the calendar and via a post at

  7. I will be attending the May 15 Scablands Regatta, with my family. Will bring 2 Hobie 16's.

    1. Is the regatta still going to happen? My wife and I would love to come with out hobbie 16 just to have some fun.

    2. Kind of been crazy times. I think some are still worried about covid. Moving the Scablands Fun Sail to June 19th. Plus covid restrictions will be far less in June reducing any issues with county and state rules.

  8. Good after noon everyone

    I am jason and my wife and myself sail a h-16 and I would love to go to the scabland regatta. I live in valley ford wa. Never raced but I am a jump in with both feet kind of person. Confident with my boat but always looking for tips and the proper way of doing things. looking forward to sailing with some other cats

    1. Hi, talked with other sailors and seem everyone has other plans so I talked with many of them and all indicate they could make it in June. So we are moving the event to June. However if you would like to come to our National Safe Boating event in the Silver Lake Mall we would love to have you come.

  9. is the scablands regatta still a go??

    1. Yes but the regatta is more of a fun round the island event.

  10. Hello this weekend of May 15th is our Scablands Fun Sail. We will be located on the Potholes Reservoir (just south of Moses Lake WA) on the Northeast shoreline. Visit the following link to see the places we will be located at depending on availability, numbered 1-6. Only issue is my Suburban may not be fixed in time for me to tow my boat to the event. So please if you are going comment here and maybe one of you can be a back up if my truck is not fixed in time.

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    3. Sorry to say all the sailors and kite fliers I have talked with can not come to the event this month (May) so we are moving it to June. Exact date TBA. Our May event will be the Safe Boating Event at the Silver Lake Mall in Coeur d'Alene Idaho this May 22 from 11-3. See the post about this event on the FunToSAIL home page.

  11. Hello everyone, fellow sailors and club members. Seems to be a bit difficult to get people to come out to planned club activities, so new plan. I am going to keep it simple... see how many sailors with boats I can get to do an activity. So who is up for a sailing activity in June. I am available in June either the weekend of the 19th or 26th. In July I would like to head into the mountains to small mountain lakes called Upper and Lower Glidden Lakes, check it out at this link (copy this link if its not active here)

  12. Attention Inland NW Sailors... We are having a club activity at the Silver Lake Mall in Coeur d'Alene Idaho USA on Jan 26 at 6pm. Please verify if you will be attending by commenting here. See details in calendar above this comment area.
