
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Fall and winter training is here, 2023

1. R2AK Training log post...

Crazy to think how fast the summer went by. Actually, fall is my favorite time of year, due to the fall colors and the increase of winds speeds. The air temperature tends to stay warm until the middle of the month when temperatures drop to the 60's and 50's (warm to me is 70 degrees or higher, actually the 60's are not too bad). Nighttime temperatures tend to stay at around 40 degrees but by Halloween those nighttime temps drop to at or below freezing, then winter temperatures are here to stay. For me fall is here went the Geese start showing up/flying through the area. Occasionally we will get a warmup, sometimes in November in the 60's, which I am hoping for, as I plan to sail Fourth of July Lake in Spokane County/Easter WA. USA. This lake is only open to the public starting on Friday after Thanksgiving Day. Freezing or not I will sail this lake in November (article with video to be posted) or early Dec. Only thing that would keep me from sailing the lake is if we get a deep freeze and the lake ices over.

Also been doing some biking to keep myself in shape. Sailing is great and is better when your body is feeling well. It's important to get out in the fresh air and working that cardiovascular system. An added plus is riding with my amazing wife.

Hope you enjoy the video of one of my fall sails and some pictures to go with it.

In this article, I noted "training." I plan this winter to start reviewing various winter SUP boards and gear in preparation with my wife to do some SUP races. Plus I plan to board foil with a handheld sail. Need strength for this obviously. Not like I am weak but more fitness and strength is always a great thing. I will be posting my training through the winter, so stay tuned.

My friends Hobie 16 hull landed on some rocks. Here is my pics of the repair in October of that hull. Fiberglass is pretty easy to repair. With some tender loving care almost any damage can be fixed in an hour or two.

Article by Skipper Miles Moore

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