
Monday, January 9, 2023

Lake Pend Oreille Basin News

Dear Stakeholders, Members of the Public, and Local Media,

Please see the forwarded email below from the US Corp of Engineers (USACE), who operate Albeni Falls Dam. The USACE announced yesterday that they will begin filling Lake Pend Oreille today for Flexible Winter Pool Operations (FWPO). As explained in their email, they anticipate LPO (and the Pend Oreille River) to rise about a foot over a 10-day period. They will then release that water to generate power. 

If you are recreating on the water during this time, please use caution and beware of potential ice break up and floating ice.  

Flexible Winter Pool Operations is the process used to generate additional power for the hydropower grid when there is a power shortage somewhere along the grid. The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is the agency who requests this operation. I will send out a follow up email providing the history and a more detailed explanation of FWPO. To receive please visit the lakes commissions website and sign up for email notices.

Molly McCahon
Lakes Commission
Executive Director
phone: (208)265-4568

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