
Monday, August 12, 2019

SailGP Cowes UK Racing

If you missed the SailGP racing in Cowes UK just this last weekend (8/11) no worries as you can watch the racing via or on facebook.

Britain was showing great form in the practice races being the first boat to hit 50 knots but unfortunately on the first day of official racing they damaged their boat and were out of the remaining races. The USA team capsize but amazingly they did not damage the boat and were back in the next race. All teams improved in this series with China being voted as the most improved. They did not win any races but came in second and had consistent top finishes.

Team Australia was the winner of the series with no one challenging them in any of the races. In each race they beat the other teams by large margins. They certainly are the team to beat and are showing the rest of the teams how to do it.

It should be noted that Team Japan who had previously been winning most of the previous races (other than the Sydney Harbor races) also damaged their boat but was able to keep racing in spite of it and were able to hang on for 2 and 3rd finishes.

Watch the following video to enjoy the racing. There was only one day of racing due to a storm that hit the area on Saturday. Visit to get more info, etc.

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