
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

AC75 mini crash

If one is wondering how the development of the new AC75 is going, news is not well. 36th America's Cup officials are painting a real rosy picture with its development. However others are getting pretty nervous with the thought of sailing an incredibly unstable 75 foot foiling monohull monster with 11 sailors on board (needs more crew to handle the beast). In the previous AC they talked about capsize issues with the cats but with these new monohulls they appears to be much more unstable, unsafe.

In the various promotional videos it shows the smaller development boat only flying along in a straight line, with CGI effects added. Their videos always cuts off before turns, etc. In this non official video I have posted here it shows the true issue with the design with a pretty spectacular capsize crash. Notice the floats hanging of each side of the boat.

Lets hope no one gets seriously hurt and that they are wise enough to pull the plug on the project before someone does. If they want to race monohulls they should put the boats back in the water and leave the foiling to the multihulls.

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