
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Elsie Lake boulder reset

July 13, 2016
It is official on June 30th the Elsie Lake restroom in Shoshone County was made fully accessible.  As some of you know previously large boulders were placed around the restroom to protect it from vandalism, unfortunately the boulders were placed too close together to allow wheelchairs to pass through to restroom. Now there is one spot on the south side where there is a gap of 42 inches to allow wheelchair access.

Tom McTevia who passed away last year wanted this issue fixed as Tom's loved this lake and the area around it. I know Tom would be pleased with this.

Great appreciating goes to Josh Jurgensen of the local Forest Service for working with us on this project. Josh personally made this happen. As always its a pleasure to work with the Forest Service as they like us want all people to be able to access the outdoors.

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