
Sunday, October 30, 2016

10th St Accessible Non-Motorized Land

Jan. 28, 2016
There is exciting news about a possible new 10th Street accessible landing being constructed (access dock, non-motorized launch, accessible beach access, load and unload area, water trail, etc), which will be almost next to the proposed Tom McTevia memorial site.

We met with an official who is working on this project that had us evaluate the site. We agreed that such a facility would be highly beneficial to those with and without disabilities mainly because there is no such place on Lake Coeur d'Alene.

Funding approval or denial for this project is to be announced this June and if approved construction would start sometime in 2017.

To learn more about the actual site visit the Lake Coeur d'Alene section of here is a direct link You will need to slide down the page to #3. Also on the google map at this site you can see where this site is located via #3 on the map, on the east side of Tubbs Hill.

For additional info visit

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