
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Lake Ceour d'Alene Frozen Buns Sailing January 1st.

JOIN US! A friend and I are taking our Hobie Wave to Sanders Beach in front of the Jewitt House for the first annual Frozen Buns Sail at the same time as the Coeur d'Alene Polar Bear Plunge where some 500 people will take a quick plunge into the freezing waters of Lake Coeur d'Alene. We will be on the east end of the beach again in front of the Jewitt House and the Polar Bear Plunge will happen on the west end of the beach at Sanders Beach Park. To luanch we have to arrive very early (9:AM) then take the boat off the trailer and place it on beach wheels (there is no boat launch at this locations)
and roll the boat to the beach. The other option is to carry the boat by hand to the water (parking is limited and you will likely have to walk some distance after parking your vehicle with trailer). It is very likely we will have to cross some ice to get into the water. We will sail for an hour or so and then get back to the beach to de-reg and get the boat back on the trailer. So if you are up for this please call me (Miles Moore 208-704-4454) so I can give you more details.

Here is a link to info about Jewitt House and Sander Beach. Slide down the page to #5 to learn about Sanders Beach and then slide a little further down to view info about the Jewitt House. There is also a Google Map on this site... #5.1 is the Jewitt House on this map.

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