
Monday, May 26, 2014


Hello fellow sailors! Happy Memorial Day!

NEWS... 4 items of business

New Email and New Club Name

Our Club and Sea Scout Ship share a new general email of If you have any questions about club and scout events, need to contact Miles Moore related to non business sailing, etc. please use this email.

The is for SAIL Marine business.

Also has been permanently deleted.

With this email change also comes a NEW CLUB NAME... changed from Sailing the Inland Northwest to Inland Northwest Sailors.

Within our Inland Northwest Sailors club are our sub organizations: Hobie Fleet 926, Sea Cats (ship 926), and our trailer-able keelboat and Sea/Super Snark fleets.

I hope these changes are not confusing but the changes were necessary for organization, etc.

Sea Cats…

Coiling and Throwing a Line during sailing class...
On May 1st the first Sea Scout Ship 926 meeting took place, during which we set the dates for our scout events for summer 2014. For those of you who don’t know… Sea Scouts is a character and nautical skill building venturing program associated with the Boy Scouts of America for youth ages 14 through the age of 20.

On May 10 we ran a Sea Scout sailing class to get our scouts certified as sailors. Then last weekend some of our Sea Scout leaders went out to do some service work on the Camp Easton sailboats... So even though we are a new ship (troop) we have been quite busy.

Our area has a long Sea Scout history in association with the old Farragut Naval Military base on Lake Pend Oreille starting in the 1940’s and then continuing on Lake Coeur d’Alene with their Viking ship that ended in 2009.

Now with our new ship we will continue the great tradition of the past and create a new exciting future for our local youth who want to learn nautical skills. I hope you will let youth you know about this ship. I also hope you as adult can contribute via skills, time, and funding, etc. We are a non-profit group. On a side note, the first youth to sign up new members (besides themselves) will get a stainless steel knife with marlin spike. Learn more by visiting and then click on the Scout tab.


The S.A.I.L disAbled sailing program is getting a kick start this year with Steve Morris (full bio coming shortly) who is a grant writer. We have been working together to acquire funding for the accessible program. If you do not already know… we focus on all types of disAbilities but have a sub specialty of Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI). A fair amount of these individuals with SCI are vets and for many of them sailing is a way to de-stress, etc. With Steve’s help I have great hope for the future of this program. Learn more by visiting and then clicking on the disAbled tab.


The CALENDAR is all set for 2014… We have great events starting with the May 30-31 Camping trip to Bonnie Lake with its volcanic island and 100 ft. water fall. You can come just for the day on 31st or camp with us for both days (access to the lake does limit what types of boats can participate). The following weekend is our SAIL Fest at Independence Point beach next to the Coeur d’Alene Resort… we need you to bring your sailboats (or just yourself), etc. to help us introduce people to sailing and get more club members (we only have room for 2 keelboats). Then in July it’s a trip to Priest Lake; in August it’s our first annual regatta at Higgins Pt., Sept. is a distance sail; we have other smaller events all through the summer. Learn more by visiting and then click on the Calendar tab. Also his years sailing classes are also included on this calendar.


I hope to see you at our next event… Fair winds!

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